DVD buyer beware
Viewers hoping to see the controversial "pistol" scene, in which McGillis's character is forced by her jealous husband to open her legs for his gun will be disappointed to find that it has been cut from the R-rated DVD version. For that, you'll apparently have to stick with the unrated VHS tape. Other than that, the movie is a decent if unspectacular B thriller, and the digital transfer is pretty good.
a good movie lessened by censorship
This DVD is 7 min. shorter than the previously released VHS version. Most of the steamier scenes have been cut
completely or edited for content.While these scenes are not crucial to the plot,they were part of the original presentation and should have remained as they aided in character developement.A good movie lessened by censorship.
Nothing, done well
A thin story of intrigue and desire in Miami is made very watchable by a good director and a superb collection of actors. Weller and McGillis are thoughtful and convincing as reluctant lovers trying simply to be left in peace. Frederick Forrest provides strong support. Charles Durning, in a small role, walks away with the movie. The character he plays is smart, cunning and, by turns, endearing and brutal. Durning is the reason I've watched this film three or four times since it first appeared in 1990, and I recommend you give it a try.
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