OK Movie but no Christopher Walken
First off, this direct to DVD release of the Prophecy line does not have Christopher Walken starring, so it is like eating a Rum cake without the Rum. It might taste ok but is not Rum cake! Anyway, this is a stand alone film, as very little is referenced from the previous releases. The movie concerns the finding and protecting an ancient manuscript, called the Lexicon which basically writes itself as God completes the Book of Revelations. What God writes, will determine the fate of Angels and Mankind, so ownership of the Lexicon will give an advantage to the holder. Angels and Demons vie to own the Lexicon, but it is up to a lone woman, well played by Kari Wuhrer, to protect it. The movie is fast paced which forces the incredulous to become believers rather quickly and some important plot points are glossed over. Sean Pertwee is excellent in the role of the Rumanian detective who has his own personal demons to overcome. He has the look of Russell Crowe and the angst of Stellan...
The Prophecy -The Uprising DVD Review
Being a big fan of a lot of the horror movies that Dimension Homevideo has released over the last few years, I decided to rent this movie. Not expecting that much, but I was impressed by the overall quality of this movie. The special effects were good, the actors were great, and the story line keep you interested in what was going to happen next. There are some really good sudden scares that catch you off guard and surprise you.
The story might be a little confusing to people who are not familiar to the Prophecy movies. A lot issues dealing with heaven and hell, Angels and Demons, and the Devil. I myself haven't seen any of the older Prophecy movies that star Christopher Walken, so I can't compare this movie to the other Prophecy movies.
A standout in this movie is the acting of Doug Bradly towards the end of the movie. For Hellraiser fans like me it's a total treat to see Doug Bradly(Pinhead from Hellraiser films) do some great acting outside the character of...
The War Between Heaven and Hell Rages On...
During the mid-nineties, Dimension Films produced a small, yet entertaining franchise of films based on a supposed 23rd chapter in the book of Revelation, this series was known as `The Prophecy'. Focusing on a second war in Heaven, this one being waged by those angels that had once been loyal to God during Satan's revolt, but after seeing the evil humanity is capable of exacting on itself, and wondering why the Creator would bother to shower His love and grace on a creation that is completely ungrateful, some of the loyal angels have questioned their allegiances. With the battle lines clearly drawn the angels take sides against each other waging a war that closed off access to Heaven by all of humanity. In 2000, Dimension released "The Prophecy 3: The Ascent", which at the time of its release was to be the 3rd and final chapter in `The Prophecy' saga. With humanity being allowed access into Heaven after a final battle between the hero of the good angels and the leader of the evil...
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