Better Living Through Healthy Choices: Another Impactful Expose About The Food We Eat
The new documentary "Hungry For Change" covers a familiar topic, but repackages the information in a nice user-friendly way. In all honesty, I have now seen about a dozen different films that challenge the status quo and seek to enlighten the masses about the destructive nature of careless eating. But despite what seems like a patently obvious message, we (as consumers) still choose to look the other way. As a society, we have branded convenience as more important than health and big business has taken advantage of this decision in some pretty nefarious ways. But like many, while I realize my faults, I still perpetuate the problem in my own lifestyle. In truth, "Hungry for Change" really doesn't present anything I haven't seen before--but I guess a caustic reminder is appropriate every once in a while! And if you have never given your food choices much thought, I'd definitely say this is worth a look.
There are a lot of topics covered in this brief ninety minute...
Conflicted about this
I'm conflicted about this a bit. The first half of this documentary seemed fairly solid, but the latter half went off the rails a bit for me. This documentary somehow featured a subplot about some woman who felt chubby (but didn't appear so, to me) and insecure, until she started juicing vegetables. The weirdest point was easily when this woman fired up her iPad to watch the documentary I was already watching. I giggled a little bit, thinking she was going to be pretty pissed when she got to the part where they'd been filming her without her knowledge.
I thought it was interesting that the documentary mentioned the addictive properties of modern, processed food. More focus on that probably could have made this an awesome documentary, but much of this was glossed over. Only later in the film do we find out that the people we've been hearing from aren't experts per se, but have a definite stake in getting people to buy their particular books or buy their particular...
Hate to disagree but...
I loved "Fat Sick and Nearly Dead" and saw an add for this movie on the JointheReboot website. I was expecting something more like that. I don't disagree with the ideas discussed here, I just didn't like the format. A lot of the clips were repetitive, there were only minor allusions to some of the speakers' personal stories - which sounded like they would have been some of the most compelling parts. I also didn't find the little vignettes of the diet-soda chugging lady necessary, it was a cheesy and distracting story telling device. I wanted to see more personal stories and more specifics on healthy eating and juicing and whatnot. Disappointed.
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