Third-Grade Teacher Thinks Movie is Great for Kids!
I'm a third-grade teacher, and I regularly watch different movies with my third-grade kids. I watched this movie at home on TV and thought it was great. I found myself glued to the screen!
This movie is NOT just about a kid who has no friends and spends a million dollars. It is really about learning to appreciate REAL friends, and that people who like you for your money aren't real friends at all. In addition, the movie is a kids' wish-fullfillment fantasy, as a kid manages to spend a million dollars in six days. He learns some important lessons about life, while managing to escape the consequences of his actions through lucky happenstance.
I thought it was a fun movie, and I loved it myself! The movie was great for eight-year-olds, and I know my eleven-year-old daughter would have loved it, too, if she had had the chance to watch it with me.
This is a Cute Movie That The Whole Family Can Watch Together!.
This is a movie that I didn't think I was going to like because I thought it was going to be really boring and cheesy but I surprised myself by actually liking it and I personally feel that Blank Check is a great movie for the enire family to watch together and I highly recommend it! A very cute movie!
And the Moral of the Story Is...
There are several ways to watch this movie. The easiest way is to watch the movie as a comedy about a wimpy kid that seems to have self-esteem issues. However, if you look deeper, there are some interesting lessons regarding being yourself and loving your family, even when it seems like they do not love you. Somewhere in all this there is another moral about a fool and his money parting in six days.
Preston Waters (Brian Bonsall - the cute little kid in "Family Ties" who has now disappeared from acting) is the invisible kid in his family. Preston seems to have difficulty catching a break. He has to ride the awful rides at a theme park. His brothers move their junk into his room because they are enterprising and are starting a business. Preston is unable to start a checking account because he has less than the $200 minimum balance. However, Preston meets beautiful Shay Stanley (Karen Duffy) while at the bank, little realizing that Shay had an itty bitty secret...
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