tree-like alien tries to take over earth
when a creature from outer space resembling a mutant tree craves world domination it does so by turning people into plant monsters (three types the sailor a fly-like creature that acts as a scout,the tumbler a furry plant thing turns into a thorny ball and the shooter a two legged no armed plant beast that takes over peoples minds or turns them into other shooters) and by using the residents of an oterwise quiet town to germinate more plant creatures the only ones who can stop it are a man returning to the town a unbalenced mad scientest a young cop and two teenaged girls
Trashy fun...
A silly mid-80s horror with trashy but fun effects & a feel of leaden amateurishness & derivative scripting. I rather liked the rolling & kind of flying seed-creatures & the pitiful rip-off of Invasion of the Bodysnatchers. It does deliver exactly what the cover promises & the seed-monsters get a reasonable amount of screen-time.
The dvd has a decent, clear widescreen print of the film, so this is probably the best version of it there's ever been, and comes with a likeable 'making of' featurette and 10 trailers for other Full Moon productions.
Hope these aren't the Fig Newton seeds
Being just on the cusp of September we are starting to get the cravings to watch loads of horror b, football, and drink plenty of fall craft beers. Now it still may be jumping the gun to some, but we're very enthusiastic about the upcoming Autumn season and try to rush it as quickly as possible. Despite it not being a brisk fall evening, we still felt it necessary to kick the season off with a little Full Moon goodness. Full Moon was a force of B to be reckoned with in the mid 80's-mid 90's, which unfortunately is no longer the case in this day and age. Since then it's been a slow and painful fall from grace that leaves us longing for the old gems like Seedpeople. Sure these films are still bad, but they're that perfect storm of unintentional comedy we all need in life.
We kick off the evening in a sleepy little town known as Comet Valley, which has a strong case of "the feel." Enter hero?...of the film that looks like a combination of Matt Collins and the nerdy...
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