An Intimate Documentary Of Particular Interest To Fans Of Nancy Kwan And/Or Asian Film History
Some documentary features have a universal appeal and some are a bit more specific in scope. "To Whom It May Concern: Ka Shen's Journey" is one of those movies that feels very specific to me. While I like actress Nancy Kwan, who is the subject of the film, she hasn't exactly been a Hollywood powerhouse since her dazzling debut in 1960. Her early success, though, was a significant step in breaking cultural boundaries within the entertainment field. Just having an actress of Asian descent portraying leading roles was a surprisingly huge milestone that has had long range repercussions for the next several generations of Asian actors. "To Whom It May Concern" is a film divided into distinct sections. From biographical information, to a life in TV and film, to the concluding section of personal loss--the experience sometimes feels like different movies grafted together. But Kwan is always an engaging presence. And while the documentary may not be for everyone, it is an easy recommendation...
still mesmerizing
I have always been a fan of Nancy Kwan's. I just wish she had made many more films. She still has that gentle persona. She has had much sadness in her life, but has always weathered the storms as we all must do. Here's to you Ms Kwan. I thoroughly enjoyed her bio.
pretty and Sweet Nancy Kwan (Ka Shen)
Racism killed or dis-allowed so many careers in music and film. This lady should have been a BIG star for Hollywood, but sadly opportunities for her were limited by fools and foolishness!!!
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