Wake Up To The Truth Behind The Headlines
I'd like to think we're all shrewd enough to know that many tabloid headlines are nonsense but the degree to which news is exaggerated and manufactured is frightening. The celebrity obsessed culture that is ruining our media with a flood of banality and trivial non-news may seem nothing more than innocuous rubbish but the truth is far more sinister. Whilst never being dull or preachy this film is both hilarious and frightening at times. Very thought provoking and very entertaining. Not often you can say that about a film. Considering the multitude of major media corporations this film targets the director Chris Atkins (nominated for a BAFTA for the groundbreaking Taking Liberties) has got some real balls and immense integrity to release this at all. It was superb at the cinema but the DVD promises heaps of extra footage they couldn't cram into the movie in the form of DVD extras. So - go buy the film Max Clifford and Rupert Murdoch tried to stop with an injunction (what higher...
Absurdly brilliant
You can't understand the modern world fully until you've seen this film. I've seen many of these data points before, but I've never seen them put all together in one place. Yes, electronic media - as controlled by a handful of epically corrupt and politically well connected corporations - is ruining society. It's not your imagination. It's a shame this film is not available in a format that people in the US, Canada and Japan can watch on DVD.
Insightful without being preachy....
First documentary about "the evil media" that I've been able to sit through and not want to throw out the window for being a chest-beating "woe is us" finger pointing type of show. They present some really interesting ideas about human psychology and why we're so enamoured with celebrity. They did a good job of calling out how media impacts youngsters while deftly avoiding the "what about the CHILDREN?!?!?!" whine that other progressive documentarians succumb to. Recommended!
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