Back with a vengeance
I was beginning to wonder if James Bond was dead, but along comes Daniel Craig to breathe new life into the role, giving us a lean, mean 007 that blows previous Bonds away. Martin Campbell went back to the basics, retooling Bond and giving him a much more physical presence, reminiscent of Sean Connery. From the opening sequence we see we are in for a real treat, as Campbell takes nothing for granted. He knows he has to earn the audience's respect, and he does with a thrilling chase scene in the chaotic urban center of an African republic.
Bond really comes across as a rogue agent in Casino Royale, stealing his way into M's apartment to leave her coded messages, taking risks that threaten painstaking operations and getting himself into jams that require MI6 to bail him out. This is a young impetuous Bond, overanxious and thrilling to watch as Craig fills his role with the energy of a stage actor.
There is also one of the best villains in recent years with Mads...
Reboot is remarkable!
I loved the first Blu-Ray edition. I have not seen the Collector's Edition yet, but they have added so much more to this. I got this from the website....
*Bonus View Picture-in-Picture visual commentary with Director Martin Campbell and Producer Michael G. Wilson (BD Exclusive)
*"Know Your Double-O" - the Ultimate James Bond Trivia Quiz, a BD-Live enabled multi-skill level, multi-player trivia game (BD Exclusive)
*Ian Fleming's Incredible Creation - A remarkable look at the birth and continued success of James Bond, including never-before-revealed information about Bond's creator and the origins of 007.
*The Road to Casino Royale - The story of why it took over 50 years for the Bond filmmakers to bring Ian Fleming's first 007 novel to the big screen, featuring the amazing behind-the-scenes stories of the many attempts to make the film.
*James Bond in the Bahamas - A fascinating examination of the links between the the...
Bond Reinvigorated With Real Ruthlessness And Genuine Romance--Craig Disproves His Harshest Critics
I like James Bond as much as the next guy. I've read a couple of Ian Fleming's novels, have seen all the films (many in the theater), and have all the box set DVDs. I don't consider myself obsessive, however, Bond to me has always been a bit of a lark--adrenaline style entertainment. From the serious Bond to the cheesy Bond, there's always some action or outrageousness to admire. So I was mystified when so many people were absolutely indignant that Daniel Craig was signed for the role. I'm not saying I supported the ouster of Brosnan, I'm just saying I was pleased that a talented actor was taking his place. And the idea of rebooting the series wasn't controversial to me, but an ingenious way to reinvigorate the franchise.
Now having seen "Casino Royale," I stand firm in my opinion that Craig makes an excellent 007 (even though he's blonde and not Clive Owen). He demonstrates a real brashness as the newly promoted Bond--defiant, cocky and tough as nails. But the character...
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